salient feature
Salient feature
Project Overview:
- Project Name: Bhotekoshi-1 Hydropower Project
- Location: Sindhupalchowk District, Bhotekoshi Rural Municipality
- Type of Development: Run-of-the-river
- The project site is accessible from Kathmandu, situated 105.7 km away via the Araniko Highway.
Transmission Line:
- Length: 2.5 km of 132 kV single circuit transmission line
- Connection: Nearest 132 kV switchyard of Upper Chaku Khola Hydroelectric Project (22 MW)
- Catchment Area at Intake Site: 2210 km²
- Flood Discharge: 1604 m³/s (Q500 flow)
General Hydraulics:
- Gross Head: 115.00 m
- Net Head: 105.034 m
- Design Flow: 43.98 m³/s
- Capacity: 40 MW
Major Structures:
- Diversion Weir: 40 m long, 7.0 m high
- Settling Basin: Surface type with 3 bays, 90% trap efficiency
- Headrace Tunnel: 2942.57 m long, inverted D-shaped
- Powerhouse: Underground, 40.00 m x 14.70 m x 30.00 m
- Turbines: Francis type, 2 units, each with 20.9 MW output and 91% efficiency
- Generators: Brushless synchronous, 2 units, 23.53 MVA capacity each
- Transformers: Three-phase, 2 units, 25.8 MVA capacity, 11/132 kV
Energy Output:
- Annual Energy: 231.81 GWh
- Dry Energy: 69.97 GWh
- Wet Energy: 161.84 GWh
Financial Parameters:
- Total Project Cost: NRs. 7.975 billion with IDC
- Cost per MW: NRs. 199,375,126.61
- Net Present Value (NPV) @ 10%: 2742.716 million NRs.
- Project IRR: 14.42%
- Equity IRR: 21.77%
- Benefit-Cost Ratio: 1.42
- DSCR (Average): 1.63
- Simple Payback Period: 6.13 years
- Discounted Payback Period: 9.45 years